Sketch Art Set & Sketch Book


Sketch Art Set & Sketch Book

Donated by: Cindy Black

Donated by: Cindy Black

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Sketch Art Set with Paper and Clipboard & Sketch Book Sketch Art Set - 51 Pieces: - 1 12"x16" Clipboard - 12 Colored Pencils - 4 Sketch Pencils - 3 Charcoal Pencils - 3 Graphite Sticks - 3 Charcoal Sticks - 1 Sandpaper Block - 1 Fine Liner - 1 White Eraser - 1 Kneaded Eraser - 1 Pencil Sharpener - 20 Pieces of Sketch Paper Mystic Sketch Book - 9"x12" - 100 Sheets for Dry Media - Acid Free

A note from Fix Democracy First Education Fund: Thank you for bidding in our online auction. All money raised will be used to fund our youth civic engagement project. All winning bids are also tax deductible. We appreciate your support!

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